Kamni personally meets with clients by appointment in Manhattan, Hicksville, Long Island and virtually. Typical production time is 3-5 weeks for engagement rings & wedding bands and can be expedited as needed at no additional charge.

For clients that have a their own loose diamond and want a setting custom crafted by Kamni, there is a $200-$450 diamond setting, handling and insurance fee.

The Asscher Cut Diamond

An antique cut that has recently had a resurgence, the asscher cut diamond is a squarer version of the Emerald cut that features a higher cut crown and a smaller table. The assCher cut comes in a very limited number of length to width ratios, because it is a square cut. Though it can be found in very slight rectangular shapes. The natural clarity of a diamond highlighted by the asscher cut allows for a bold and unique design.

Asscher cut diamond

The table below may be used as a general guideline for evaluating the cut grade of a asscher cut diamond:

cut grade of a asscher cut diamond

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